It’s time to stop emptying the oceans.
That’s why our fish is vegan.
Come find us in Brighton.
The No Catch Co.
We’re an ethical vegan company taking on the traditional model of a British fish and chip shop. As many as 2.3 trillion fish are pulled from the ocean and killed every single year for food. But as well as being a moral issue, the fishing industry is devastating for the environment as well.
The fishing method of bottom trawling alone produces more greenhouse gas emissions than the entire aviation industry and the destabilisation of fish populations affects the entire planet. We’re running out of time.
We believe that enough is enough, and that it’s time for a revolution within the seafood industry.
Our vegan fish.
Our fish alternative is a high protein and delicious non-GMO soy substitute for traditional battered fish.
You’ll be blown away by just how satisfying our alternatives are. As well as our signature tofish, we have everything from smoked haddock to prawns and calamari (all vegan).
We’re not just talking fish & chips.
We want to show the world that you don’t need animal products in order to have incredible food. From calamari, to popcorn prawnz, we’re striving to offer alternatives where you never feel that you’re missing out.
Find us in Brighton!
Our journey officially began in 2021, and where better to start our mission than Brighton? Our eat-in or takeaway location is at 127a King’s Road, right on the seafront.
Find us: 127a Kings Road, Brighton BN1 2FA, UK
Opening hours:
Monday - Tuesday:
Wednesday - Saturday:
12:30pm - 8:00pm
12:30pm - 7pm